what does "17 times out of his nerdy sweater-vest-wearing league" mean? [closed]

what does "17 times out of his nerdy sweater-vest-wearing league" mean?

I heard it in a drama called "This Is Us".

Kevin was taking about the moment his brother, Randall, got crush on a girl who is Randall's wife now back in college. Randall was a nerd back then. Does Kevin mean she was even nerdier than Randall??

The whole sentence is here. "It was in college, and, you know, this girl at a party, this really really badass, dreadlocked girl, who was, by the way, like let's be honest 17 times out of his nerdy, sweater-vested-wearing league."

Solution 1:

I think this is an exaggerated way of stating and/or play-on the slang phrase:

She's way out of his league: An expression used when a girl is just too hot for you and you have absolutely no chance with her (Urban Dictionary definition).

Your question probably should have not been "What does "17 times out of his nerdy" mean?". Unless the way "nerdy" is being used is somehow contextualized, "17 times out of his nerdy" doesn't actually make any sense because nerdy isn't a noun. I get the feeling your question should have been: "What does 17 times out of his nerdy, sweater-vested-wearing league mean?" which is as stated above:

-> 17 times out of his league: literally way, way out of his league.

-> sweater-vested-wearing league: likely a reference to and joke on the fact that nerds stereotypically wear sweaters and not to be interpreted literally.