Android and setting alpha for (image) view alpha

Is there really no XML attribute counterpart to setAlpha(int)?

If not, what alternatives are there?

It's easier than the other response. There is an xml value alpha that takes double values.

android:alpha="0.0" thats invisible

android:alpha="0.5" see-through

android:alpha="1.0" full visible

That's how it works.

No, there is not, see how the "Related XML Attributes" section is missing in the ImageView.setAlpha(int) documentation. The alternative is to use View.setAlpha(float) whose XML counterpart is android:alpha. It takes a range of 0.0 to 1.0 instead of 0 to 255. Use it e.g. like

<ImageView android:alpha="0.4">

However, the latter in available only since API level 11.