How do I scale page in pdf files in Ubuntu? (GUI)

I want to scale page in pdf file. In other words I want to change in Height & width of page in pdf file.

How do I do that?

Note: This question is not about scale page during/for printing!

Also visit Question about combine two pages in pdf.

Solution 1:

I wanted to have my DIN A4 document upscaled to DIN A3. On my computer at work, I don't have pdfpages installed, but I do have pdfjam, so here is an alternative solution for that particular case:

pdfjam --a3paper input.pdf -o output.pdf

Solution 2:

PDFPoster (Not a GUI app)

This will scale a pdf file.

sudo apt-get install pdfposter

Scaling can be done with following command:

pdfposter -s[SCALING RATIO] [INPUT].pdf [OUTPUT].pdf

Example: pdfposter -s4 input.pdf out.pdf