CSS3 transform not working

I am trying to transform my menu items by rotating them 10 degrees. My CSS works in Firefox but I've failed to replicate the effect in Chrome and Safari. I know IE doesn't support this CSS3 property so that's not a problem.

I used following CSS:

li a {

Could anybody please suggest where I am going wrong?


This is merely an educated guess without seeing the rest of your HTML/CSS:

Have you applied display: block or display: inline-block to li a? If not, try it.

Otherwise, try applying the CSS3 transform rules to li instead.

In webkit-based browsers(Safari and Chrome), -webkit-transform is ignored on inline elements.. Set display: inline-block; to make it work. For demonstration/testing purposes, you may also want to use a negative angle or a transformation-origin lest the text is rotated out of the visible area.

Since nobody referenced relevant documentation:

CSS Transforms Module Level 1 - Terminology - Transformable Element

A transformable element is an element in one of these categories:

  • an element whose layout is governed by the CSS box model which is either a block-level or atomic inline-level element, or whose display property computes to table-row, table-row-group, table-header-group, table-footer-group, table-cell, or table-caption
  • an element in the SVG namespace and not governed by the CSS box model which has the attributes transform, ‘patternTransform‘ or gradientTransform.

In your case, the <a> elements are inline by default.

Changing the display property's value to inline-block renders the elements as atomic inline-level elements, and therefore the elements become "transformable" by definition.

li a {
   display: inline-block;
   -webkit-transform: rotate(10deg);
   -moz-transform: rotate(10deg);
   -o-transform: rotate(10deg); 
   transform: rotate(10deg);

As mentioned above, this only seems to applicable in -webkit based browsers since it appears to work in IE/FF regardless.

In my case there was a CSS animation running on the element that had a transform that was overriding the transform I was adding to the element.