VBscript code to capture stdout, without showing console window

This is a VBScript code example that shows how to catch whatever a command line program sends to standard output. It executes the command xcopy /? and shows the output in a message box. Before the message box appears, for a split second you see the console window popping up.

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objExec = objShell.Exec("xcopy /?")
    line = objExec.StdOut.ReadLine()
    s = s & line & vbcrlf
Loop While Not objExec.Stdout.atEndOfStream
WScript.Echo s

Here is an other VBScript code example that shows how to execute a script without showing the console window.

objShell.Run "c:\temp\mybatch.bat C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", 0


objShell.Run "c:\temp\myscript.vbs C:\WINDOWS\system32\cscript.exe", 0

As you can see it has the form <script><space><executor>. The last example uses objShell.Run instead of objShell.Exec

What I don't know is how to execute a command line program (if necessary from a batch file), catch the standard output, without showing the console window. Any ideas?

Solution 1:

I usually use this:

Wscript.echo execStdOut("ping google.com")

Function execStdOut(cmd)
   Dim goWSH : Set goWSH = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) 
   Dim aRet: Set aRet = goWSH.exec(cmd)
   execStdOut = aRet.StdOut.ReadAll()
End Function 

For more advanced commands youc an wrap to comspec (cmd)

my res = execStdOut("%comspec%" & " /c " & """" & "dir /b c:\windows\*.exe" & """" & " && Echo. && Echo finished") 

Solution 2:

In order to redirect the output to the console, run the script using cscript, ex.: c:\cscript myscript.vbs.

cscript has a few command line options. The most important (to me) is the switch //NOLOGO. If yoy use it (cscript //nologo myscript.vbs) it will omit Microsoft merchandise...

Solution 3:

This proof of concept script:

' pocBTicks.vbs - poor man's version of backticks (POC)

Option Explicit

' Globals

Const ForReading         =  1

Dim goFS  : Set goFS  = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
Dim goWSH : Set goWSH = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

' Dispatch
WScript.Quit demoBTicks()

' demoBTicks -
Function demoBTicks()
  demoBTicks = 1
  Dim aCmds : aCmds = Array( _
      "dir pocBTicks.vbs" _
    , "dur pocBTicks.vbs" _
    , "xcopy /?" _
  Dim sCmd
  For Each sCmd In aCmds
      WScript.Echo "########", sCmd
      Dim aRet : aRet = BTicks( sCmd )
      Dim nIdx
      For nIdx = 0 To UBound( aRet )
          WScript.Echo "--------", nIdx
          WScript.Echo aRet( nIdx )
  demoBTicks = 0
End Function ' demoBTicks

' BTicks - execute sCmd via WSH.Run
'  aRet( 0 ) : goWSH.Run() result
'  aRet( 1 ) : StdErr / error message
'  aRet( 2 ) : StdOut
'  aRet( 3 ) : command to run
Function BTicks( sCmd )
  Dim aRet    : aRet     = Array( -1, "", "", "" )
  Dim sFSpec2 : sFSpec2  = goFS.GetAbsolutePathName( "." )
  Dim sFSpec1 : sFSpec1  = goFS.BuildPath( sFSpec2, goFS.GetTempName() )
                sFSpec2  = goFS.BuildPath( sFSpec2, goFS.GetTempName() )

  aRet( 3 ) = """%COMSPEC%"" /c """ + sCmd + " 1>""" + sFSpec1 + """ 2>""" +  sFSpec2 + """"""
  Dim aErr
 On Error Resume Next
  aRet( 0 ) = goWSH.Run( aRet( 3 ), SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE, True )
  aErr      = Array( Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source )
 On Error GoTo 0
  If 0 <> aErr( 0 ) Then
     aRet( 0 ) = aErr( 0 )
     aRet( 1 ) = Join( Array( aErr( 1 ), aErr( 2 ), "(BTicks)" ), vbCrLf )
     BTicks    = aRet
     Exit Function
  End If

  Dim nIdx : nIdx = 1
  Dim sFSpec
  For Each sFSpec In Array( sFSpec2, sFSpec1 )
      If goFS.FileExists( sFSpec ) Then
         Dim oFile : Set oFile = goFS.GetFile( sFSpec )
         If 0 < oFile.Size Then
            aRet( nIdx ) = oFile.OpenAsTextStream( ForReading ).ReadAll()
            goFS.DeleteFile sFSpec
         End If
      End If
      nIdx = nIdx + 1
  BTicks = aRet
End Function

shows how to use .Run and temporary files to get something like backticks with a hidden console. Decent file handling, quoting in sCmd, cleaning of the returned strings, and dealing with encodings will require more work. But perhaps you can use the strategy to implement something that fits your needs.

Solution 4:

If you don't mind having the taskbar button appear, you can just move the console window offscreen before launching it.

If the HKCU\Console\WindowPosition key exists, Windows will use its value to position the console window. If the key doesn't exist, you'll get a system-positioned window.

So, save the original value of this key, set your own value to position it offscreen, call Exec() and capture its output, then restore the key's original value.

The WindowPosition key expects a 32-bit value. The high word is the X coordinate and the low word is the Y coordinate (XXXXYYYY).

With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    ' Save the original window position. If system-positioned, this key will not exist.
    On Error Resume Next
    intWindowPos = .RegRead("HKCU\Console\WindowPosition")
    On Error GoTo 0

    ' Set Y coordinate to something crazy...
    .RegWrite "HKCU\Console\WindowPosition", &H1000, "REG_DWORD"

    ' Run Exec() and capture output (already demonstrated by others)...

    ' Restore window position, if previously set. Otherwise, remove key...
    If Len(intWindowPos) > 0 Then
        .RegWrite "HKCU\Console\WindowPosition", intWindowPos, "REG_DWORD"
        .RegDelete "HKCU\Console\WindowPosition"
    End If

End With

If you really want to make sure the coordinates are offscreen, you can get the screen dimensions via VBScript by using IE or other tools.

Solution 5:

To return in VBA all subfolders in G:\OF

sub M_snb()
  c00= createobejct("wscript.Shell").exec("cmd /c Dir G:\OF\*. /s/b").stdout.readall
end sub

to split the returned string into an array

sub M_snb()
  sn=split(createobejct("wscript.Shell").exec("cmd /c Dir G:\OF\*. /s/b").stdout.readall,vbCrLf)

  for j=0 to ubound(sn)
     msgbox sn(j)
End Sub