A Mac OS X VPN client that can import a .VPN file

I know that this is an old post, but I have been trying to read a .vpn file as well and none of the posted solutions worked for me. The recommended software were not able to read the file.

In case other people have the same issue, I got it by installing the shrewsoft-vpn-client. Since it is not that straightforward, I am putting the steps I did.

  1. Install home-brew and run

    brew cask install tuntap

Note: To install and/or use tuntap you may need to enable its kernel extension in System Preferences → Security & Privacy → General

  1. Download the file shrewsoft-vpn-client.rb from Github

  2. run

    brew install --build-from-source /path_to/shrewsoft-vpn-client.rb --without-gui
    sudo /usr/local/sbin/iked
  3. Copy the file file.vpn into .ike/sites without extensions

    cp /path_to/file.vpn ~/.ike/sites/file
  4. Then, start the VPN by running

    ikec -r file

Hope it helps

You might find Viscosity to be the answer. It's my favourite OpenVPN client for the Mac and can certainly import a number of config files. It's free for 30 days an then a reasonable nine bucks.

Have you tried opening it with a text editor? The connection details might not be encrypted and might be clear to read and copy.

VPN Tracker from Equinux supports a number of auto-config standards. They offer a trial version that is fully-functional, but limited to a three minute connection time, for testing purposes.

Ipsecuritas is free and works well. Xauth is an issue to Juniper devices, for some reason IPsecuritas seems to be unable to see the peer as xauth compatible.

Since you are using a Shrew config, you could try the Beta for Shrew on Mac at the link below. To be honest, I find it to troublesome (not to mention alot of hoops to go through to get the tap's running) and prefer IPsecuritas.
