How to traverse through the files in a directory?

With os.listdir() or os.walk(), depending on whether you want to do it recursively.

In Python 2, you can try something like:

import os.path

def print_it(x, dir_name, files):
    print dir_name
    print files

os.path.walk(your_dir, print_it, 0)

Note: the 3rd argument of os.path.walk is whatever you want. You'll get it as the 1st arg of the callback.

In Python 3 os.path.walk has been removed; use os.walk instead. Instead of taking a callback, you just pass it a directory and it yields (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) triples. So a rough equivalent of the above becomes

import os

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(your_dir):
    print dirpath
    print dirnames
    print filenames

You can list every file from a directory recursively like this.

from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join, isdir

def getAllFilesRecursive(root):
    files = [ join(root,f) for f in listdir(root) if isfile(join(root,f))]
    dirs = [ d for d in listdir(root) if isdir(join(root,d))]
    for d in dirs:
        files_in_d = getAllFilesRecursive(join(root,d))
        if files_in_d:
            for f in files_in_d:
    return files

import os
# location of directory you want to scan
loc = '/home/sahil/Documents'
# global dictonary element used to store all results
global k1 
k1 = {}

# scan function recursively scans through all the diretories in loc and return a dictonary
def scan(element,loc):

    le = len(element)

    for i in range(le):   

            second_list = os.listdir(loc+'/'+element[i])
            temp = loc+'/'+element[i]
            print "....."
            print "Directory %s " %(temp)
            print " "
            print second_list
            k1[temp] = second_list

        except OSError:

    return k1 # return the dictonary element    

# initial steps
    initial_list = os.listdir(loc)
    print initial_list
except OSError:
    print "error"

k =scan(initial_list,loc)
print " ..................................................................................."
print k

I made this code as a directory scanner to make a playlist feature for my audio player and it will recursively scan all the sub directories present in directory.