How to Install OALD8 on Ubuntu 14.04 x64?

I was able to make the the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (8th ed) tool working at my Xubuntu 14.04 box. It is not perfect, but it is running. :)

There is no need to install it system wide (i.e., using sudo).

I am considering you have the CD that comes with the Dictionary. Insert it in your machine.

Now, follow these instructions in the terminal:

1) Create a directory called oald8 in your Downloads folder;

mkdir ~/Downloads/oald8

2) Copy the folders linux and to your oald8 (you must substitute pathtomedia for the appropriate path!)

cd /pathtomedia/OALD8
cp -r linux ~/Downloads/oald8
cd ~/Downloads/oald8

3) Now execute the setup file from linux/

cd linux

This setup will ask to install the files at ~/oald8. You should accept this way, imho.


The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary tools and libraries come in 32 bits. So, at this point, if you do not have 32bits compatibility, you will receive a message like:

bash: ./ No such file or directory

If you got this, and you are sure the file exist (try to ls it), you have to install libc6:i386, libncurses5:i386 and libstdc++6:i386.

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386

You will also need the following packages to have the oald8's libraries working:

sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386 libpangoxft-1.0-0:i386 libpangox-1.0-0:i386

Also, you should install gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386 and gtk2-engines-murrine:i386, since the program uses it.

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf:i386 gtk2-engines-murrine:i386

If everything went right at step 3, now you have a icon in your desktop. After you hit it, the system will complain, saying it is not trusted (mark it executable and the warning will cease).

After the program launches, it will complain about the flashplayer. But you cannot install it through flashplugin-installer:i386 because it conflicts with the current flashplugin-installer.

If you run the oald8 in the terminal, you will find it wants a 32bit of version of (which is part of libnss3-1d:i386) and (which is part of libnspr4-0d:i386). But after installing these libraries, I got a segmentation fault (ftw!).

UPDATE (Some more fixes!)

Searching the web, I found this blog. That awesome guy shows how to fix the flash lib and explains the sound issue (I thought I had no sound because of the flash!).

4) He suggests to use the libflashplayer version 9r280+ (it worked in my box). You can download it from the macromedia archive, or you can try the wget command below.

cd ~/oald8/plugins
mkdir flash9
cd flash9


tar -xvzf fp9r280_and_higher_archive/9r280/flashplayer9r280_linux.tar.gz
cp ../

5) He also explains the sound issue, and he suggests to use the padps wrapper. It is supposed to use the 32bits, so, you need to install the libpulsedsp:i386 package.

sudo apt-get install libpulsedsp:i386

Unfortunately, the padsp script will insist to use the 64bits version of the library in the LD_PRELOAD environment variable. So, padsp is useless to this problem, and you will need to set the LD_PRELOAD by yourself before running the oald8 command. (Placing the 32bits version of the library in the 64bits folder also works... but this is an inelegant solution).

cd ~/oald8
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/ ./oald8

Finally, you can automate it. I suggest you to open the file, and include (at line 68, for example) the following command:

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/

It is still not perfect, but now I can use 95% of the tools. :D

First install the application stardict.

sudo apt-get install stardict

Then, open the CD. Find the file inside the linux folder and paste in the Desktop. Then extract the file. There will be oald.dict and oald.idx files.

Copy that file and Paste it on the folder


the you can use the dictionary with stardict

** Also you can run the file

Go to the linux folder. Then,

sudo bash