Create an alias in Windows XP

Back in school, I used to have a .login file along the lines of

alias ll = ls -l  
alias dir = ls -Fhl  
alias web = cd ~/public/public_www/development  

I'd like to do that sort of thing with my XP box here at work, but most of the resources I've found online seem fairly complicated and heavy-duty. Is there a way to do this that doesn't involve mucking about in the registry or running a large batch file?

My original reason for asking this was that I only need the command line for one command in one specific folder, and I wanted to be able to get to that folder quickly when I launched the command line. But the accepted answer for this question is so good that I decided to ask about my original issue as a separate question: Change to default start folder for Windows command prompt.

Solution 1:

Not many people seem to know about it, but you can use the doskey built-in macro tool, the only issue is that it doesn't save. There are many ways to work around this though.


doskey ls=dir

ls will now do a directory listing just like dir would.

If you want to use arguments with the commands, use this syntax:

doskey d=dir $*

As for the workaround to make them save:

  • save all aliases to a file in this format:
doskey ls=dir
doskey ..=cd ..

and place it in one of the directories in your path. Name it something short like a.cmd, so when you open cmd you can type a to load your aliases.

If typing an a and pressing Enter seems too much work, throw this into your AutoHotkey script:

WinWaitActive, C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
Send {a}{Enter}

Loading aliases automatically:

You can change all shortcuts to cmd to point to %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /K C:\path\to\aliases.cmd, replacing C:\path\to\aliases.cmd with the location of your aliases file. If you typically run it from the run box, you can:

  • Rename the cmd executable to cmd2.exe for example, and replace it with a script or another executable which launches the above command (I wouldn't really recommend this method as a lot of apps depend on cmd)
  • Make a batch script and call it cmda (cmd with aliases) for example. Have it launch the above command and put this batch script somewhere in your path.

Solution 2:

It's a simple as:

  1. Create a file with aliases, e.g. c:\bin\aliases:

    ls=dir /ONE $*
    cd=cd /d $*
    python=python -ic "" 
    ps=tasklist $*
    kill=taskkill /IM $*
  2. Create a file with all the stuff you want to run when cmd.exe is started, including loading the aliases with doskey e.g. c:\bin\cmd_autoruns.cmd:

    @echo off
    color 0A
    doskey /macrofile=c:\bin\aliases
  3. Create and run once a batch file (e.g. set_cmd_autorun.cmd) which will set the Command Processor Autorun key to our cmd_autoruns.cmd:

    reg add "hkcu\software\microsoft\command processor" /v Autorun /t reg_sz /d c:\bin\cmd_autoruns.cmd

As an alternative to set_cmd_autorun.cmd it is also possible to instead create a .reg file like the one below and then merge it with a double click:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]

Solution 3:

My answer is similar to vriolk's

I created a .bat file that contained my macros (e.g. c:\winscripts\autoexec.bat):

@doskey whereis=c:\winscripts\whereis.cmd $*
@doskey ls=dir /b $*
@doskey l=dir /od/p/q/tw $*

and then from a cmd prompt ran "cmd /?" to find the registry key to edit for the cmd autorun:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun

using regedit, add the path for your macro batch file to the AutoRun value (add the AutoRun key if it's not there):


now whenever you run "cmd" from the Start->Run prompt, this autoexec.bat will also run and create the doskey macros for you.

By the way, whereis.cmd contains this:

@for %%e in (%PATHEXT%) do @for %%i in (%1%%e) do @if NOT "%%~$PATH:i"=="" echo %%~$PATH:i

which searches your PATH variable for the term you provide:

c:>whereis javaw

Solution 4:

a very quick and dirty way to have a ready shortcut, that doesn't require a lot of fuss - is to create a batch file named after the alias, in one of the directories that are a part of the PATH environment variable. For example, i wanted to invoke Notepad++ through an alias, so i created npp.bat in C:\WINDOWS that contained the following:

"c:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

now npp command can be used from any cmd shell, without autorun files and/or excursions to the registry

Solution 5:

You can create .cmd files and place them someplace in your %PATH% (such as C:\Windows). To use your web alias as an example:

@cd \inetpub\wwwroot

Would do something like:

M:\> web

I'm not aware of any way to make a flat .aliases style file.