Reject binary with state waiting for review (can't find reject binary button)

I want to reject binary which is waiting for review and when I go to the path that Developer Guide specifies I can't find the button to reject the binary.

Solution 1:

In iTunes connect, from 'My apps', select

  • Click your application, then
  • Make sure you are on the 'Versions' tab, and that the correct version is selected.
  • Click 'Remove this version from review' located in the info bubble.

See below enter image description here

Solution 2:

As a few people have commented/upvoted on @ThomasRS's accepted answer, for whatever reason, even though my app's status was "Waiting for review", the blue bar with the "To submit a new build, you must remove this version from review" message did not appear on the iTunes Connect website on my app's "Waiting for review" version page.

However, I did see a "Reject this binary" link in the iTunes Connect iOS application:

iTunes Connect - Product

Steps to access that page:

  1. Open the iTunes Connect app on your iOS device.
  2. Sign in with your iTunes credentials when prompted.
  3. Open the Products tab (along the bottom).
  4. Tap your application.
  5. On that screen, tap "Reject This Binary".

Solution 3:

This has all changed with the re-design (as of 12-Sept-2014) you now need to:

Open the App Details page for the app, as described in To open the App Details page for an app.

On Versions, above the app's metadata, this message appears: "You can only edit all information while your version is waiting for review. To submit a new build, you must remove this version from review." Click "remove this version from review"

See: Viewing and Changing Your Apps Status and Availability