Logging large strings from Flutter

I'm trying to build a Flutter App and learning Dart in the process, but I'm getting kind of frustrated when debugging. I have fetched a resource from an API and now I want to print the JSON string to the console, but it keeps cutting off the string.

Screenshot of the cut off string in the console

So I actually have two questions: is the terminal console really the only way to print debug messages and how can I print large strings to the console without them automatically getting cut off?

How about using the Flutter log from the dart: developer library. This does not seem to have the maximum length limit like print() or debugPrint(). This is the only solution that seems to work fine. Try it as below:


The output will be the entire long string without breaks and prefixed with [log]

You can make your own print. Define this method

void printWrapped(String text) {
  final pattern = RegExp('.{1,800}'); // 800 is the size of each chunk
  pattern.allMatches(text).forEach((match) => print(match.group(0)));

Use it like

printWrapped("Your very long string ...");


Currently dart doesn't support printing logs more than 1020 characters (found that out by trying).

So, I came up with this method to print long logs:

static void LogPrint(Object object) async {
    int defaultPrintLength = 1020;
    if (object == null || object.toString().length <= defaultPrintLength) {
    } else {
       String log = object.toString();
       int start = 0;
       int endIndex = defaultPrintLength;
       int logLength = log.length;
       int tmpLogLength = log.length;
       while (endIndex < logLength) {
          print(log.substring(start, endIndex));
          endIndex += defaultPrintLength;
          start += defaultPrintLength;
          tmpLogLength -= defaultPrintLength;
       if (tmpLogLength > 0) {
          print(log.substring(start, logLength));

Use debugPrint with the optional parameter to wrap according to the platform's output limit.

debugPrint(someSuperLongString, wrapWidth: 1024);

Please try debugPrint('your output'); instead of print('your output'); the documentation is here if you would like to read. debugPrint throttles the output to a level to avoid being dropped by android's kernel as per the documentation.