Queries related to the new Windows 8 File History feature

  1. I don't see backing up file history to a partition on the same hard drive as a good solution, what happens if the hard drive fails? Backups should always be stored on a separate hard drive(s) Probably the reason Microsoft does not allow you to use a partition on the system drive.

What Microsoft is trying to accomplish with File History:

What is unique about this approach compared to a more traditional backup and restore?

Regretfully, backup is not a very popular application. Our telemetry shows that less than 5% of consumer PCs use Windows Backup and even adding up all the third party tools in use, it is clear nowhere near half of consumer PCs are backed up. This leaves user’s personal data and digital memories quite vulnerable as any accident can lead to data loss. In

Windows 8 Microsoft is actively trying to accomplish the following:

Make data protection so easy that any Windows user can turn it on and feel confident that their personal files are protected.

Eliminate the complexity of setting up and using backup.

Turn backup into an automatic, silent service that does the hard work of protecting user files in the background without any user interaction.

Offer a very simple, engaging restore experience that makes finding, previewing and restoring versions of personal files much easier.


In the end there is no perfect solution, from Microsoft or anyone else, consumer backup software is a compromise on features as none of them have it all. Most 3rd party file backup/sync software will offer more features and flexibility than Windows File History.