Error : Program type already present:$Behavior

Solution 1:

It worked when I downgrade the support appcompat gradle dependency, like follwing :

implementation ''

previously it was

implementation ''


Also this can be fixed by just adding support design dependency of version 27.1.0 or above to your app level build.gradle as following :

implementation ''

Solution 2:

I faced the same problem, I added android support design dependencies to the app level build.gradle

Add following:

implementation ''

in build.gradle. Now its working for me.

Solution 3:

It might be cause of a library, I faced it because of Glide.

It was

implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.7.1'

So I added exclude group: "" And it becomes

implementation ('com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.7.1') {
        exclude group: ""