How "unless" and "until" affect the structure and meaning of a complex sentence

Original text:

Un­less con­sumed in highly skilled rit­ual con­texts, as is prac­ticed in many tra­di­tional so­ci­eties, what drugs in fact do is re­duce our per­cep­tion of both what can be ac­com­plished and what we as in­di­vid­u­als are able to ac­com­plish, un­til the two are in bal­ance. This is a pleas­ant state of af­fairs, but it is only a mis­lead­ing sim­u­la­tion of that en­joy­ment that comes from in­creas­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties for ac­tions and the abil­i­ties to act.

My interpretation:

What drugs in fact [normally] do is re­duce our per­cep­tion of both ... :
(1) what [theoretically] can be ac­com­plished; and also
(2) what we as in­di­vid­u­als are [actually] able to ac­com­plish
until [our per­cep­tion of item (1) above & our per­cep­tion of item (2) above] are in balance [with one another].
[That can seem to be] a pleas­ant state of af­fairs, ...
but [in reality] it is only a mis­lead­ing sim­u­la­tion of [the] en­joy­ment that comes from [what seems like]
(1) in­creas­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties for ac­tions, and
(2) the abil­i­ties to act.

[Unless ...] The only occasions when drugs do not have that effect is when they are "con­sumed in highly skilled rit­ual con­texts" [such as the rituals] prac­ticed in many tra­di­tional so­ci­eties.