What is the most efficient way to clear an area in Minecraft?

Solution 1:


Solution 2:

A bit faster and more coordinated than TNT, but requiring a mod, is WorldEdit, which allows you to select regions and remove or replace blocks (all or only a certain kind, which is quite handy). I also recommend WorldEditCUI then.

I'm not sure I understood your wall design, but to clear the area, let's say you stand on top of your future site and enter these commands (omit the # comments!) into the console (t):

//pos2                # select the block below you
//outset 26           # expand (53-1)/2 = 26 blocks in all directions
//contract 22 down    # that's 22 to much up because you wanted 31 only
//shift 4 down        # shift the selection 4 blocks down so you stay atop
//set 0               # make every selected block air
//outline stone       # make the outer wall stone
//inset 1             # make the selection 1 block smaller in each direction
//outline obsidian    # make the middle wall obsidian
//inset 1             # again 1 block smaller
//wall glowstone      # make the inner wall glowstone, leaving floor and ceiling air

Now the hole should be below the block you're standing on and be embedded in a stone-obsidian-glowstone stack. To quickly get through it, equip a pickaxe and enter // to toggle the Super Pickaxe mode which destroys any block with one click (// again to get the normal pickaxe properties back). Alternatively, equip a compass and right click below you, this will teleport you to the floor in your still isolated space.

Solution 3:

Another alternative to WorldEdit is Zombe's modpack. The 'build' mod can be configured to work much like WorldEdit but without the console commands.

Once configured (your hotkeys will vary), you can select the corners of the box you wish to hollow out, then remove all the blocks first by changing them all to a single box then removing all of that one block.

Step One: Make selection by pressing X, moving to the other corner, and pressing Xagain.

Selected Cube

Step Two: Fill the selection with your selected item (in this case dirt) by pressing Z.

Fill With Dirt

Step Three: Remove all of your selected item (again dirt) in the selection with LSHIFT+Z.

Remove Dirt

If you're looking to make outer walls, redefine your selection to be smaller after filling the area with stone or Obsidian.

Solution 4:

I would suggest using a mod such as TooManyItems or InvEdit if you want a piece of land cleared very quickly, but that is no good if you're playing legit. If your playing properly I would suggest a diamond sword and a creeper rampage.