What is the correct title for someone who gives podcasts?

I'm looking for a word analogous to "blogger," but for someone who gives podcasts. "Podcaster" doesn't seem correct - the only thing I can think of is "host of a podcast." Is there a single word that better describes this profession?

Solution 1:

Podcaster is listed in Merriam-Webster.

Solution 2:

As the verb is podcast, who podcasts is a podcaster.

Solution 3:

If you're looking for an alternative term to podcaster, this Wikipedia article notes:

To avoid a term suggestive of "iPod", some use the term netcast instead of podcast, such as the TWiT.tv podcaster Leo Laporte (though the older term is also used in the broader sense of any internet-delivered realtime media transmission).

Although netcaster sounds like someone who works on a fishing trawler.