Create a reverse LinkedList in C++ from a given LinkedList

I'm having some trouble create a linkedlist in reverse order from a given linkedlist.

I come from a java background, and just started doing some C++.

Can you check out my code and see what's wrong? I'm guessing I'm just manipulating pointer and not creating anything new.

//this is a method of linkedlist class, it creates a reverse linkedlist
//and prints it

void LinkedList::reversedLinkedList()
    Node* revHead;

    //check if the regular list is empty
    if(head == NULL)

    //else start reversing
    Node* current = head;
    while(current != NULL)
        //check if it's the first one being added
        if(revHead == NULL)
           revHead = current;

            //just insert at the beginning
            Node* tempHead = revHead;
            current->next = tempHead;
            revHead = current;
        current = current->next;

     }//end while

     //now print it
     cout << "Reversed LinkedList: " << endl;

     Node* temp = revHead;
     while(temp != NULL)
         cout << temp->firstName << endl;
         cout << temp->lastName << endl;
         cout << endl;

         temp = temp->next;

}//end method

Easier one: Go through your linked list, save the previous and the next node and just let the current node point at the previous one:

void LinkedList::reversedLinkedList()
    if(head == NULL) return;

    Node *prev = NULL, *current = NULL, *next = NULL;
    current = head;
    while(current != NULL){
        next = current->next;
        current->next = prev;
        prev = current;
        current = next;
    // now let the head point at the last node (prev)
    head = prev;

Node* revHead;
// ...
while(current != NULL)
    //check if it's the first one being added
    if(revHead == NULL)

You don't initialize revHead but you use it. (I hope it is already clear to you that revHead is a local variable used to store a memory address, and not something that exists outside the method/procedure)

The Storage Class of revHead is automatic (aka in the local scope-body). In C++ when you do a declaration like that, there is not guarantee that the value will be 0.

(unless the storage class is of type static or the variable is global where it is automatically initialized to 0 if no other value is provided. In your case the variable has storage class of type auto which means it is locally defined in a function, and when declaring a local variable, without specifying a value, the value is garbage. Keep in mind that with the next C++ Standard C++0x the keyword auto has a new meaning).

The value in your case is garbage which makes the if fail. See more Information here : Link

Do a

Node* revHead = NULL;

Keep in mind that maybe you may have errors like that in other part of your code as well.