Changing image size in Markdown on Gitlab

I'm trying to post a picture to a file on my Gitlab using markdown


seems to work but is far too large. Other solutions I've tried and don't seem to work are as follows:

    <img src="" width="48">
    ![](test/media/screenshot.png =100x20)
    ![](test/media/screenshot.png =250x)
    <img src="" alt="Drawing" style="width: 200px;"/>

Any ideas on what I can do rather than re-sizing every image I have?

Solution 1:

Raw HTML works
Try the following: after uploading your image, use img tag with src pointing to the path of uploaded image, for me it's working:
The following is from one of my files

<img src="/uploads/d19fcc3d3b4d313c8cd7960a343463b6/table.png"  width="120" height="120">

enter image description here

Check this link, where I've put different size of same image

There is an issue on gitlab discuss Add control over images with Markdown