How do I make part of my Minecraft skin transparent?

I want my Minecraft skin's head to be transparent entirely. If I try this with a skin editor, it shows as black in multiplayer. Is there any way of doing this?

Solution 1:

There is no way of doing this, other than replacing the model for Steve with your own custom model (that has 'holes' in the right places).

Solution 2:

You can't make it invisible to my knowledge, however you can say, make it blend in with nighttime, and only go out after dark, or you can make it blend in with stone, and always stay underground. So other than camouflage you really can't be totally invisible, I'm not sure if the whole blackness thing was intentional at first, but after multiplayer was first implemented (Way back in...Creative, or Survival Test, I think), is probably when Notch made it an actual feature.