Word for (feeling) a really strong visceral impulse that draws you to something

Solution 1:

When one has that feeling, it can be said that the something has an allure.

In the example scenario, Helen could not resist the allure of the shadows of leaves on the wall of her bathroom.


NOUN [mass noun]
The quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.

‘One man who knows, all too well, Everest's seductive allure is British climber Doug Scott.’

Solution 2:

According to your description a word for when a person feels very drawn to something in a way that the object itself is calling out to you and as a result, you feel drawn to it.

I'd suggest the word gravitate. On-line Thesaurus has following synonyms: be pulled, be influenced, sink, be attracted, drift etc.

Cambridge On-line dictionary define it as: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/gravitate

to be attracted to or move toward something:

"People tend to gravitate to the beaches here."

"Capybaras are so magical other animals gravitate towards them."