Remove carriage return from string

I would like to insert the following into a string

<p>some text here</p>
<p>some text here</p>
<p>some text here</p>

I want it to go into a string as follows

<p>some text here</p><p>some text here</p><p>some text here</p>

i.e. without the carriage returns.

How do I achieve this?

Solution 1:

Since you're using VB.NET, you'll need the following code:

Dim newString As String = origString.Replace(vbCr, "").Replace(vbLf, "")

You could use escape characters (\r and \n) in C#, but these won't work in VB.NET. You have to use the equivalent constants (vbCr and vbLf) instead.

Solution 2:

How about:

string s = orig.Replace("\n","").Replace("\r","");

which should handle the common line-endings.

Alternatively, if you have that string hard-coded or are assembling it at runtime - just don't add the newlines in the first place.

Solution 3:

If you want to remove spaces at the beginning/end of a line too(common when shortening html) you can try:


Else use the simple Replace Marc suggested.

Solution 4:

In VB.NET there's a vbCrLf constant for linebreaks:

Dim s As String = "your string".Replace(vbCrLf, "")