Can something be "very historic"?

In the video NASA Administrator Bridenstine Chats with Elon Musk of SpaceX Bridenstine uses "very historic" three times out of four times near the beginning of the video:

  • the historic launch complex 00:10
  • is a very historic I would say not just 00:30
  • but a very historic monument 00:35
  • at this very historic site 01:26

Question: Can something be "very historic"? If so, under what circumstances would its usage be appropriate?

This is a little amusing as it parallels an episode of an old ("historic?") US television show where the character of the president reads a NASA-prepared statement and then critiques it. Starting just after 02:36 in The West Wing - Galileo V:

(President reading teleprompter:) Good morning I ‘m speaking to you live from the west wing of the Whitehouse. Today we have a very unique opportunity to take part live, in an extremely historic event which… whoa, boy!

(Critiquing the statement to the NASA writer:) Unique means one of a kind, something can’t be very unique nor can it be extremely historic.

Solution 1:

Although Google search on "very historic" comes up with about 500K result, almost all seem colloquial (like how it's used in the video) and travel-related usage (as in "a very historic building").

Personally I would instead say "...but a historically significant monument..." (at 00:35). Indeed, "historical significance" yielded 5 million results in Google. It sounds more academic, cultured, and thoughtful.

"Historic moment" / "record breaking" is also appropriate to mark a significant day, as well as "medical/engineering breakthrough" to describe research-related significant advances.

In my opinion, all are better alternatives than "very historic".