core web api published in IIS after moved to different IIS server pc gives error 500.19 (0x8007000d)

To get a more detailed error message:

  1. Verify that the log directory exists at the path referenced by the web config. If it does not, create it. The path shown in your config would place the "logs" directory in the root folder of the deployed site.

  2. Verify that the application pool has write access to the logs directory and

  3. Verify that `stdoutLogEnabled="true".

If you have verified all 3 of these items, then you should get log entries that will contain a more detailed description of the error

What could cause a "500.19 Internal Server Error, error code 0x8007000d" error?

  • .NET Core hosting bundle is not installed on the webserver where the site is deployed. To remedy this, obtain this download .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle
  • You may also want to verify that the path to the dotnet executable exists in the deployment machine's environment variables. To check this, first find the path where dotnet.exe is installed. It is generally located in either C:\Program Files\dotnet or C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet. Once you know the path, ensure that the path exists in your Environment Variables.

Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables. highlight "Path", click 'Edit' and verify that the path to the dotnet folder is present. If it isn't, add it. Do the same for both the User variables and System variables. Restart your machine and try again.