How do I copy all file names in a folder to notepad?

  1. Open up a command prompt

  2. Navigate to the directory you want with cd "Documents"

  3. dir /B > filelist.txt

  4. Open filelist.txt or move it where you want.

My output:

C:\Users\Tom\Documents>dir /B
Disc Images
Network Monitor 3
Scanned Documents
SQL Server Management Studio
Virtual Machines
Visual Studio 2010

You can limit to just files with dir /B /A-D. /AD meaning only directories, /A-D means not directories.

Which version of Windows? In Windows 7 at least (ought to work in Win8 as well), you can select the files, press Shift and right-click. Now you'll see a new Copy as path option that you can click on, and then paste the paths in Notepad.