How to enable autocomplete for Google Apps Script in locally-installed IDE

I found the solution that partially works, but it may not be applicable to other software. The steps below are for Visual Studio Code:

  1. Install the NPM package containing type definitions for GAS using
  2. In your locally-saved script, create a '.js' file and type

    import 'google-apps-script';

This answer is a minor variation on the accepted one for IDEs/extensions which support Typescript auto completion based on tsc/tsserver:

  • Install TypeScript and @types/google-apps-script

  • Create a jsconfig.json file in your local project directory:

        "compilerOptions": {
            "checkJs": true
  • Alternatively, If you're using typescript along with javascript, then create a tsconfig.json:

        "compilerOptions": {
            "allowJs": true,
            "checkJs": true,
            "types": ["google-apps-script"]
  • Include both filenames in .claspignore, if you're using clasp and if the file is in your local directory.

  • You can also use any of this config globally, if the config is in your home/parent directory, as tsc searches for this config from project/local folder to root(in which case, you don't need to include it in .claspignore).

If you are using any JetBrains IDE:

Go to Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript -> Libraries -> Download... and download the library google-apps-script.

enter image description here

Try including the file name, import.js in .claspignore (docs).

This should save some trouble deleting the file before each push every time.