Obtaining the array Class of a component type

If I have an instance of Class, is there a way of obtaining a Class instance for its array type? What I'm essentially asking for is the equivalent of a method getArrayType which is the inverse of the getComponentType() method, such that:

array.getClass().getComponentType().getArrayType() == array.getClass()

One thing that comes to mind is:

java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(componentType, 0).getClass();

But it creates an unnecessary instance.

Btw, this appears to work:

Class clazz = Class.forName("[L" + componentType.getName() + ";");

Here is test. It prints true:

Integer[] ar = new Integer[1];
Class componentType = ar.getClass().getComponentType();
Class clazz = Class.forName("[L" + componentType.getName() + ";");

System.out.println(clazz == ar.getClass());

The documentation of Class#getName() defines strictly the format of array class names:

If this class object represents a class of arrays, then the internal form of the name consists of the name of the element type preceded by one or more '[' characters representing the depth of the array nesting.

The Class.forName(..) approach won't directly work for primitives though - for them you'd have to create a mapping between the name (int) and the array shorthand - (I)

Actually due to ClassLoader, primitives and multi-dimensional arrays, the answer is a little more complex:

public static Class<?> getArrayClass(Class<?> componentType) throws ClassNotFoundException{
    ClassLoader classLoader = componentType.getClassLoader();
    String name;
        // just add a leading "["
        name = "["+componentType.getName();
    }else if(componentType == boolean.class){
        name = "[Z";
    }else if(componentType == byte.class){
        name = "[B";
    }else if(componentType == char.class){
        name = "[C";
    }else if(componentType == double.class){
        name = "[D";
    }else if(componentType == float.class){
        name = "[F";
    }else if(componentType == int.class){
        name = "[I";
    }else if(componentType == long.class){
        name = "[J";
    }else if(componentType == short.class){
        name = "[S";
        // must be an object non-array class
        name = "[L"+componentType.getName()+";";
    return classLoader != null ? classLoader.loadClass(name) : Class.forName(name);

You can do the following

array.getClass() == 
    Array.newInstance(array.getClass().getComponentType(), 0).getClass()

Usually, you don't need to know the type, you just want to create the array.

Another possible refactoring is to use a generic superclass and pass in two class objects to the constructor.

protected AbstractMetaProperty(Class<T> valueClass, Class<T[]> valueArrayClass) {
  this.valueClass = valueClass;
  this.valueArrayClass = valueArrayClass;

Then in subclasses:

public IntegerClass() {
  super(Integer.class, Integer[].class);

Then in the abstract class you can use valueClass.cast(x), valueArrayClass.isInstance(x) etc.

Java 12 introduced arrayType()

String.class.arrayType() == String[].class;