Force Windows 7 Service to Stop

I have a crashed webserver which I should be able to shutdown with the following comamnd:

net stop https-myWebserver

However, I get the following error (on Windows 7 64-bit):

The service is starting or stopping. Please try again later.

How can I force the service to stop/quit immediately? I'm hoping to avoid restarting the server.

You should be able to kill it via the Task Manager.

Right-click on taskbar -> Start Task Manager

If you can find it under the Processes tab:

Right click and select "End Process"

If you don't see it under Processes (or don't know which is the process for the service you want to kill),

While on the Processes tab

Check "Show processes from all users" in the lower left 
Then "View" menu and choose "Select Columns"
Check "PID" and hit OK
Go to the services tab to find the PID of the service you want to kill
Go back to Processes tab and Right-click -> End Process

You need to find the PID for the service, then kill it.
Use this command to find the PID:

tasklist /FI "services eq https-myWebserver"

And once you have the PID number, kill the process from task manager, or using taskkill.

Full detail over here: