I am looking for a word to represent a mechanism for uniting similar, yet potentially disparate, operations
In my workplace, I am trying to align multiple teams toward a common goal. Today, we may be doing very similar functions, but with a tilt towards what each unit can directly control, as well as operating what is in each team's own interest. All told, we may be unintentionally working against each other, diluting the final result.
Consider this example: We have a team with the goal of making the world's best sandwich. However, each person is accountable for one of the ingredients. We need each team to consider the other to get the best outcome.
If you were going to create a tool that describes bringing those different perspectives together, and aligns them to the best result, what would you call it?
I've considered: orchestrator, consolidator, unifier, governor, transmorgifier (a la Calvin and Hobbes), etc. However, none of those words appeal to me since they don't demonstrate unification across disparate decisions.
Thanks for your consideration!
Solution 1:
You are looking for the word: Synergy
As defined by Oxford Dictionary: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/synergy
The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
Example 1: "You have the right support, cooperation and synergy in the work place to achieve goals."
Example 2: "A synergy has developed among the different groups working on this project."