jQuery selectors with variables

How to mix variables with selectors?

I have ID variable.

I want to select image with this id from div #one.

jQuery('#one img .id') is the selector. I've tried $('#one img .'+id) but doesn't work.

Edit: Based on your comment below, you would use this:

$('#one img.'+id)

In your question you have a space between img and the .class, I've simply removed that so you get img.className or img.'+className

With the introduction of template literals in ECMAScript 2015, you can also do

$(`#one img.${id}`)

This might just be a typo or you actually use the id variable in a class, but maybe it should be:

jQuery('#one img #'+id)

. is a class selector. Try changing that to a #:

$('#one img #'+id)

ID's should be unique in your HTML. So you should be able to select the ID directly without worrying about which DIV it is in. Since you mention the ID is attached to the img tag, then this should be enough.

$('#' + id);