Kernal panic on fresh 14.04 install on Barebone Brix Pro i5-4570R

I recently upgraded from the smaller AMD barebone brix to the brix pro. The new PC seems to make Ubuntu 14.04 crash on boot, a bug which I can't see anyone with the same PC having (too early?). I've attached the full log but here are the exact variables in play which, in this debugging case, are quite small (thankfully!):

Brand new GB-BXi5-4570R. Corsair 4GB Kit (2x2GB) DDR3L - 1333 SOD/MM Crucial 256GB SSD The rest is not relevant (keyboard, mouse, ethernet)

With a clean hard-drive, I've installed and reinstalled ubuntu 4 times, tried with different HDDs (not the SSD) and even with multiple Ubuntu bootable installs (different USBs and redownloading the ISO). Once the install is done, I reboot and works fine. I run the first update and restart and then I get that log. On one of the reinstallations, it didn't even get to the updating part, crashed on the first reboot. I tried installing as little as possible to see if something in particular is breaking it but all I can tell is that it happens in that update (I can restart multiple times before that with no problem).

The big error comes towards the end of the log and seems to be a kernal panic error, known cause of malfunctioning drivers maybe?

Edit after solution: Turns out it was indeed the -30 kernel that conflicts with the Brix. If you ever get that error, you should simply boot again and go to Advanced Ubuntu Options, select the -24 kernel, and use the solution below (at least until there is a fix to the current kernel).

Full Log

Solution 1:

I run the first update and restart and then I get that log.

Try this AFTER the update, before the restart.

sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic
sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-30-generic
sudo update-initramfs -u 
sudo update-grub2

... or if you have the "-24" kernel (or any earlier kernel) under Advanced options ... - try it.

I've had trouble with all kernel updates AFTER -24.