nfs, execution denied

Solution 1:

May be the noexec flag is set.

Solution 2:

The culprit is the user option you have used in /etc/fstab, and specifically that you have placed the exec option before the user option.

From man mount:

user: Allow an ordinary user to mount the filesystem. ... This option implies the options noexec, nosuid, and nodev (unless overridden by subsequent options, as in the option line user,exec,dev,suid).

I suppose this behaviour is for security reasons. Anyhow, whenever you use user, you should specifically add an exec option if that is what you want and it should be after the user option to override the noexec implied by user.

Solution 3:

I've fixed the issue by changing the client:/etc/fstab contents to the following: /my/mount/point nfs rw,exec 0 0