Shortcut to kill an application
Solution 1:
This might help.
To create your own quick-killing mechanism, just create a new shortcut anywhere, using this as the location:
taskkill.exe /f /im labview.exe
Once you are done, you can change the icon, or even assign a shortcut key in the properties dialog—just make sure the shortcut is on your desktop or in the start menu if you want the hotkey to work, since Windows hotkeys don't work in the Quick Launch.
Kudos to Lifehacker and HowToGeek
Solution 2:
You can use pskill (in a batch file) to do this.
File KillDodgyApp.bat will be on your desktop and contain the text line:
pskill -t labview.exe
and this can be double clicked to close the dodgy application.
(Alternatively, create a shortcut to pskill.exe with the parameters "-t labview.exe")