How do I get an element to scroll into view, using jQuery?

Solution 1:

There's a DOM method called scrollIntoView, which is supported by all major browsers, that will align an element with the top/left of the viewport (or as close as possible).


On supported browsers, you can provide options:

    behavior: "smooth", // or "auto" or "instant"
    block: "start" // or "end"

Alternatively, if all the elements have unique IDs, you can just change the hash property of the location object for back/forward button support:

$(document).delegate("img", function (e) {
    if (
        window.location.hash =;

After that, just adjust the scrollTop/scrollLeft properties by -20:

document.body.scrollLeft -= 20;
document.body.scrollTop -= 20;

Solution 2:

Since you want to know how it works, I'll explain it step-by-step.

First you want to bind a function as the image's click handler:

$('#someImage').click(function () {
    // Code to do scrolling happens here

That will apply the click handler to an image with id="someImage". If you want to do this to all images, replace '#someImage' with 'img'.

Now for the actual scrolling code:

  1. Get the image offsets (relative to the document):

    var offset = $(this).offset(); // Contains .top and .left
  2. Subtract 20 from top and left:

    offset.left -= 20; -= 20;
  3. Now animate the scroll-top and scroll-left CSS properties of <body> and <html>:

    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollLeft: offset.left