How to restore all the files from trash in Mac OS X?
I can put back the items one by one, but there are too many files, how could I restore all the files in the trash?
Solution 1:
MacOS keeps file meta information about deleted files in ~/.Trash/.DS_Store
, which also contains records of the original locations. I've written a perl script that scans ~/.Trash/.DS_Store
file and prints commands to move all files back to their original location. The output can be fed directly to shell.
Perl script:
To run, download script, start terminal and type perl
Solution 2:
Here is another AppleScript like the one posted by user227282:
tell application "Finder"
close windows
if items of trash is {} then return
open trash
end tell
tell application "System Events"
key code 125 -- down arrow
key code 51 using command down -- command-delete
end tell
end repeat
You can run the script by pasting it to AppleScript Editor and pressing command-R. I didn't need any delays.
If Finder shows a password dialog when it tries to put back some item, try adding something like this to the end of the tell application "System Events"
delay 1
if exists window 1 of process "SecurityAgent" then
tell window 1 of process "SecurityAgent"
set value of text field 2 of scroll area 1 of group 1 to "pa55word"
click button 2 of group 2
end tell
end if
delay 1