Flutter: Detect keyboard open and close [duplicate]

I have a BottomNavigationBar at the upper-most level of my application. I want to detect keyboard open and close basically anywhere in the app/subtree, so I can show and hide the BottomNavigationBar whenever the keyboard is visible.

This is a general issue and may not be directly related to the BottomNavigationBar. In other words, abstract from the BottomNavigationBar :-)

Solution 1:

To check for keyboard visibility, just check for the viewInsets property anywhere in the widget tree. The keyboard is hidden when viewInsets.bottom is equal to zero.

You can check for the viewInsets with MediaQuery like:


Solution 2:

I just created a Flutter plugin to notify about keyboard open and close events. It works both on Android and iOS.


import 'package:keyboard_visibility/keyboard_visibility.dart';

void initState() {

    onChange: (bool visible) {