Logging auth information in sendmail

Solution 1:

You may create log entries you want in check_eoh (end of headers) or check_data rulesets (after smtp data command).

R$*    $: $(log Authenticated-by: $&{auth_type}, $&{auth_authen}, $&{auth_ssf}, $&{auth_author}, $&{mail_mailer}, $&{mail_host}, $&{mail_addr} $) $1

[There should be a TAB before $:]
check_data gets as input number_of_recipients, check_eoh gets as input number_of_headers $| total_headers_bytes

check_mail would be a better place but FEATURE(delay_checks) makes it more tricky.

Solution 2:

Change LogLevel to fit your needs e.g.

define(`confLOG_LEVEL', `14')dnl

http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=398644 Q: Logging of sendmail authenticated user.

In short: Increase LogLevel to 14

RELEASE_NOTES file in sendmail distribution states:

8.10.0/8.10.0   2000/03/01
  Log basic information about authenticated connections at LogLevel 10 or higher.