ERROR: "token" parameter not in video info in youtube-dl

Solution 1:

Update youtube-dl to the latest version.

sudo youtube-dl -U # no longer supported in Debian-based systems 

If youtube-dl cannot be updated with this command, install the latest version of youtube-dl using Alternative Python package installer (pip).

sudo apt-get remove youtube-dl
sudo apt-get install python-pip  
pip install --user youtube-dl  

In Ubuntu 14.04 and later youtube-dl is a snap package. To install it:

sudo snap install youtube-dl

The youtube-dl snap package will be updated automatically in the background when updates become available.

Solution 2:

Keeping youtube-dl updated:

youtube-dl is an application that is updated every couple of weeks to match changes made by upstream services such as YouTube. Consequently keeping it update is a busy task. As of Ubuntu 18.04 there is a special issue where the Ubuntu package can no longer be 'manually' updated. Thus the command youtube-dl -U does not work with the repository version of youtube-dl.

Recent Issues with the Ubuntu package:

The Debian package managers for youtube-dl have felt that it "contains a (possibly-insecure) self-update mechanism" and have patched this auto-update mechanism completely out of the application. The bug report and discussion are here:

Debian Bug report logs - #890119
youtube-dl contains a (possibly-insecure) self-update mechanism

The patch to youtube-dl is quite extensive and arguably a little destructive. It can be seen in full here... Note the comment at the top of the patch:

Knowledgeable users will know what to do in any case.

And the good news is that are 2 very good methods for 'knowledgeable users' to keep youtube-dl updated:

1. Update using wget:

And for my own part that involves the following simple commands which remove the repository youtube-dl and manually install the most recent version:

sudo apt-get remove youtube-dl
sudo mkdir -pv /usr/local/bin
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

And now youtube-dl will function as before :). Bear in mind that you will need to periodically manually update youtube-dl (by running youtube-dl -U) rather than expect the package manager to do it for you...

2. Updating using the pip installer:

You can instead use the Alternative Python package installer (pip) to update youtube-dl as follows:

sudo apt-get remove youtube-dl
sudo apt-get install python-pip  
sudo pip install youtube-dl  

Then subsequently you can update youtube-dl by running the following:

sudo pip install --upgrade youtube_dl

And now enjoy your offline viewing of YouTube's great video offerings :).