How to install VMware View Client?

On ubuntu 14.04:

  1. Open software-sources by typing "software and updates" on the dash and open the application.

  2. On the "Other Software" tab, make sure that "Canonical partners" has a check mark besides it.

    screenshot for software and updates other software canonical vmware view client

  3. Now, add i386 architecture to dpkg by first opening a terminal (press Alt+F2 and typing terminal or pressing together Ctrl+Alt+t) and then typing the following:

    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

    and then enter your administrative password.

  4. Now, update your software package list by typing:

    sudo apt-get update
  5. And then install vmware-view-client from the same terminal by typing:

    sudo apt-get install vmware-view-client

    Or you should be able to install it from the software center by typing "vmware view client" in the search bar:

    ubuntu software center vmware view client

On ubuntu 12.04:

Enable "Canonical partners" as said in the section for ubuntu 14.04, update using sudo apt-get update and then you should be able to install it from the software center or from the terminal (you can skip the sudo dpkg --add-architecuture i386 part).


I have Lubuntu 15.10 and this is how I manage to get VMware horizon view

Download VMware.

Launch Terminal and type:

sudo bash [downloaded binary file]

The package will be extracted and installed then A GUI Installer will launch to finish the installation.

To launch run command
