Thieves guild: How to find out which cities still need special jobs

This is somewhat related to this question: How can I find out which special thieves guild quests I have completed?, but I'm not yet that far and still doing the extra job quests for Vex and the other guy Delvin.

Is there a simple way to get the count of done extra job (radiant) quests per city to see where to concentrate on to get the special job for that city?

I play on xbox, so no console available.

Solution 1:

I remember reading on one of the wiki sites that there isn't a means to track it. You have to take notes on what you've done in the 4 holds.

Solution 2:

You can just look in the completed quests. Also, if you exit out of the conversation after you've accepted the quest and save when the quest pops up if you've already done the quest in that city. Just reload and it should change.