Pandas get the most frequent values of a column

i have this dataframe:

0 name data
1 alex asd
2 helen sdd
3 alex dss
4 helen sdsd
5 john sdadd

so i am trying to get the most frequent value or values(in this case its values) so what i do is:


but it returns only the value: Alex even if it Helen appears two times as well.

By using mode
0     alex
1    helen
dtype: object

To get the n most frequent values, just subset .value_counts() and grab the index:

# get top 10 most frequent names
n = 10

You could try argmax like this:

dataframe['name'].value_counts().argmax() Out[13]: 'alex'

The value_counts will return a count object of pandas.core.series.Series and argmax could be used to achieve the key of max values.


The value_counts will return a count object of pandas.core.series.Series and sort_values(ascending=False) will get you the highest values first.