How can I emulate windows mouse behaviour in Ubuntu?

I've been using Windows for years and now I'm using Ubuntu's newest version (12.04.1) for desktop. Now this is all a matter of opinion, but is there a way to make the mouse pointer behave like on a Windows environment? Its slow and fancy attenuated movement sincerely angers me, it decreases my productivity and I can't find a way to behave the way I like it.

Please, does anyone know how to do this? Is there any system setting or plugin that fixes this issue?

Solution 1:

I agree with Darth Android with respect to the particular question, however just so there is some helpful information for future searches, there is a related answer on AskUbuntu that has several good general mouse tips.

I have found that in some cases of a particular mouse I had to go to xset to get the desired results, though most times the mouse preferences listed in the answer do the trick.