Existing 3-function callback to Kotlin Coroutines

In this particular case you can use a general approach to convert a callback-based API to a suspending function via suspendCoroutine function:

suspend fun CameraManager.openCamera(cameraId: String): CameraDevice? =
    suspendCoroutine { cont ->
        val callback = object : CameraDevice.StateCallback() {
            override fun onOpened(camera: CameraDevice) {

            override fun onDisconnected(camera: CameraDevice) {

            override fun onError(camera: CameraDevice, error: Int) {
                // assuming that we don't care about the error in this example
        openCamera(cameraId, callback, null)

Now, in your application code you can just do manager.openCamera(cameraId) and get a reference to CameraDevice if it was opened successfully or null if it was not.