Inverse of an invertible triangular matrix (either upper or lower) is triangular of the same kind

Another method is as follows. An invertible upper triangular matrix has the form $A=D(I+N)$ where $D$ is diagonal (with the same diagonal entries as $A$) and $N$ is upper triangular with zero diagonal. Then $N^n=0$ where $A$ is $n$ by $n$. Both $D$ and $I+N$ have upper triangular inverses: $D^{-1}$ is diagonal, and $(I+N)^{-1}=I-N+N^2-\cdots +(-1)^{n-1}N^{n-1}$. So $A^{-1}=(I+N)^{-1}D^{-1}$ is upper triangular.

Personally, I prefer arguments which are more geometric to arguments rooted in matrix algebra. With that in mind, here is a proof.

First, two observations on the geometric meaning of an upper triangular invertible linear map.

  1. Define $S_k = {\rm span} (e_1, \ldots, e_k)$, where $e_i$ the standard basis vectors. Clearly, the linear map $T$ is upper triangular if and only if $T S_k \subset S_k$.

  2. If $T$ is in addition invertible, we must have the stronger relation $T S_k = S_k$.

    Indeed, if $T S_k$ was a strict subset of $S_k$, then $Te_1, \ldots, Te_k$ are $k$ vectors in a space of dimension strictly less than $k$, so they must be dependent: $\sum_i \alpha_i Te_i=0$ for some $\alpha_i$ not all zero. This implies that $T$ sends the nonzero vector $\sum_i \alpha_i e_i$ to zero, so $T$ is not invertible.

With these two observations in place, the proof proceeds as follows. Take any $s \in S_k$. Since $TS_k=S_k$ there exists some $s' \in S_k$ with $Ts'=s$ or $T^{-1}s = s'$. In other words, $T^{-1} s$ lies in $S_k$, so $T^{-1}$ is upper triangular.