WSL Ubuntu hangs, how to restart?

Occasionally WSL hangs on Windows 10. Opening "Ubuntu" bash just hangs. Any way to restart WSL without rebooting Windows ?

enter image description here

I believe the most effective way today for WSL2, in Cmd Prompt / PowerShell:

wsl --shutdown

To expand on kev's answer, you need to restart the LxssManager service. This can be done by opening Task Manager with CTRL SHIFT ESC, going to the Services tab, finding the LxssManager service, right-clicking and selecting Restart.

You can shut down Ubuntu by using wslconfig (in Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell):

wslconfig /t Ubuntu

and it will start automatically next time you open a shell.

Open powershell with admin privileges and type the below command to restart the lxxsManger :

Get-Service LxssManager | Restart-Service

shutdown windows-service Lxss-Manager