Windows command for file size only

Solution 1:

If you are inside a batch script, you can use argument variable tricks to get the filesize:


@echo off
echo %~z1

This gives results like the ones you suggest in your question.


help call

at the command prompt for all of the crazy variable manipulation options. Also see this article for more information.

Edit: This only works in Windows 2000 and later

Solution 2:

If you don't want to do this in a batch script, you can do this from the command line like this:

for %I in (test.jpg) do @echo %~zI

Ugly, but it works. You can also pass in a file mask to get a listing for more than one file:

for %I in (*.doc) do @echo %~znI

Will display the size, file name of each .DOC file.

Solution 3:

Use a function to get rid off some limitation in the ~z operator. It is especially useful with a for loop:

@echo off
set size=0
call :filesize "C:\backup\20120714-0035\error.log"
echo file size is %size%
goto :eof

:: Set filesize of first argument in %size% variable, and return
  set size=%~z1
  exit /b 0