Fail to install Fedora 18 from flash drive (Warning: /dev/root does not exist) [closed]

Solution 1:

When the following three options appear:

  Install Fedora
  Test this media & install Fedora


With the center option highlighted, press the "Tab" key and you can manually modify the line from:

linuxefi /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=Fedora\x2018\x20x86_64 quiet


linuxefi /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=LIVE quiet

Press "Enter" and it will boot up properly.

(Looks like Bugzilla report 855849 was partially addressed by changing the Label on the drive, but the GRUB configuration was not updated with the new name.)

Solution 2:

Try this with a DVD and an internal drive or the LO100i virtual media. Pay no attention to the firmware message from init. It doesn't mean anything.

Let's clarify... This is not an HP ProLiant DL180 G6 problem. It's a Fedora installer issue (maybe dracut bug, too).

What are your installation parameters? It looks like you're trying to attempt an in-place upgrade of your system rather than a new installation.

It seems like this is a device mapping issue... in that dracut shell, can you list the output of:

# cd /dev/disk/by-label
# ls -l

Check this Bugzilla and see if it's consistent with your issue.