npm install ->Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script

Solution 1:

Got the same problem (node v10.3.0, ionic 3.13.0). This worked :

  • Delete package-lock.json,
  • Delete node_modules folder,
  • Run npm install again.

Solution 2:


sudo rm -rf package-lock.json node_modules
sudo npm cache clean --force
npm i --unsafe-perm node-sass

Solution 3:

Just Try with this command hope it will very helpful. it's working for me

sudo npm install -g [email protected] --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

Solution 4:

rolling back to node v10.17.0 fixed the problem to me.

You can use nvm to do so:

> nvm install 10.17.0
> nvm use 10.17.0
> node -v