Does Rust free up the memory of overwritten variables?

I saw in the Rust book that you can define two different variables with the same name:

let hello = "Hello";
let hello = "Goodbye";

println!("My variable hello contains: {}", hello);

This prints out:

My variable hello contains: Goodbye

What happens with the first hello? Does it get freed up? How could I access it?

I know it would be bad to name two variables the same, but if this happens by accident because I declare it 100 lines below it could be a real pain.

Solution 1:

Rust does not have a garbage collector.

Does Rust free up the memory of overwritten variables?

Yes, otherwise it'd be a memory leak, which would be a pretty terrible design decision. The memory is freed when the variable is reassigned:

struct Noisy;
impl Drop for Noisy {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

fn main() {
    let mut thing = Noisy;
    thing = Noisy;

what happens with the first hello

It is shadowed.

Nothing "special" happens to the data referenced by the variable, other than the fact that you can no longer access it. It is still dropped when the variable goes out of scope:

struct Noisy;
impl Drop for Noisy {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

fn main() {
    let thing = Noisy;
    let thing = Noisy;

See also:

  • Is the resource of a shadowed variable binding freed immediately?

I know it would be bad to name two variables the same

It's not "bad", it's a design decision. I would say that using shadowing like this is a bad idea:

let x = "Anna";
println!("User's name is {}", x);
let x = 42;
println!("The tax rate is {}", x);

Using shadowing like this is reasonable to me:

let name = String::from("  Vivian ");
let name = name.trim();
println!("User's name is {}", name);

See also:

  • Why do I need rebinding/shadowing when I can have mutable variable binding?

but if this happens by accident because I declare it 100 lines below it could be a real pain.

Don't have functions that are so big that you "accidentally" do something. That's applicable in any programming language.

Is there a way of cleaning memory manually?

You can call drop:

let thing = Noisy;
let thing = Noisy;

However, as oli_obk - ker points out, the stack memory taken by the variable will not be freed until the function exits, only the resources taken by the variable.

All discussions of drop require showing its (very complicated) implementation:

fn drop<T>(_: T) {}

What if I declare the variable in a global scope outside of the other functions?

Global variables are never freed, if you can even create them to start with.

Solution 2:

There is a difference between shadowing and reassigning (overwriting) a variable when it comes to drop order.

All local variables are normally dropped when they go out of scope, in reverse order of declaration (see The Rust Programming Language's chapter on Drop). This includes shadowed variables. It's easy to check this by wrapping the value in a simple wrapper struct that prints something when it (the wrapper) is dropped (just before the value itself is dropped):

use std::fmt::Debug;

struct NoisyDrop<T: Debug>(T);

impl<T: Debug> Drop for NoisyDrop<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("dropping {:?}", self.0);

fn main() {
    let hello = NoisyDrop("Hello");
    let hello = NoisyDrop("Goodbye");

    println!("My variable hello contains: {}", hello.0);

prints the following (playground):

My variable hello contains: Goodbye
dropping "Goodbye"
dropping "Hello"

That's because a new let binding in a scope does not overwrite the previous binding, so it's just as if you had written

    let hello1 = NoisyDrop("Hello");
    let hello2 = NoisyDrop("Goodbye");

    println!("My variable hello contains: {}", hello2.0);

Notice that this behavior is different from the following, superficially very similar, code (playground):

fn main() {
    let mut hello = NoisyDrop("Hello");
    hello = NoisyDrop("Goodbye");

    println!("My variable hello contains: {}", hello.0);

which not only drops them in the opposite order, but drops the first value before printing the message! That's because when you assign to a variable (instead of shadowing it with a new one), the original value gets dropped first, before the new value is moved in.

I began by saying that local variables are "normally" dropped when they go out of scope. Because you can move values into and out of variables, the analysis of figuring out when variables need to be dropped can sometimes not be done until runtime. In such cases, the compiler actually inserts code to track "liveness" and drop those values when necessary, so you can't accidentally cause leaks by overwriting a value. (However, it's still possible to safely leak memory by calling mem::forget, or by creating an Rc-cycle with internal mutability.)

See also

  • What's the semantic of assignment in Rust?