How to safely remove Laravel Debugbar

I have a Laravel application that was not developed by me. There is some weird bar at the bottom of each page, it is some type of Laravel debugger tool.

enter image description here

I believe it is stored in storage/debugger. Is there a safe way I can go about checking to see if this is actually it and if so can I delete this type of tool without it affecting the application? Does anybody know what this thing is if so any advice on how to remove this safely would be greatly appreciated

Best option:

Add DEBUGBAR_ENABLED=false to your .env

This has some advantages over Abdulla Nilam's answer:

  • Debugbar is totally disabled

  • You can keep APP_DEBUG=true, hence still keep error details for local development

  • It is not tracked by git

Navigate to .env and use these commands

APP_DEBUG=false # No error reporting at all


DEBUGBAR_ENABLED=false # deguger is disabled but error reporting works

FYI: Once you changed the values on .env and it didn't reflex, clear the config using php artisan config:clear or php artisan optimize:clear

Useful Links

  1. Errors & Logging Laravel Doc's
  2. Laravel Debugbar