Period to separate items in a list?

I was reading an article on Laptop Display, and I stumbled upon this snippet. Here, periods are used to separate items of a list, and I have never seen such usage. Is this actually allowed grammatically? Following is the snippet:

Contrast. Screen Resolution. Black level. Gamut. Uniformity. These words can seem like arcane scrawl to the initiated, but they’re actually not difficult to grasp.

Solution 1:

If I'm going to make a list I'll put all the items one below the other and not use any punctuation at all. If it's a short list like "red, green, yellow and blue", I'll use commas. If I have to separate items like movie titles, I'll put semicolons. But I can't see anything wrong with separating items with full stops. The main thing is to keep it clear for the reader what you're listing. "Red, white and yellow." "Now, Voyager; Citizen Cane; High Noon, and many other films." (You don't confuse the reader, making them think that "Now" and "Voyager" were two different movies.) Here's what I do:

1 Don't use nuthin'. No commas, semicolons or stops in a vertical list

2 Use commas in a horizontal list

3 Use semicolons in a horizontal list

4 Use full stops (periods) in a horizontal list

5 Do what YOU think is the best to make your presentation as clear as possible

Here's a list. No punctuation marks. Isn't this clear and nice and readable?